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Every once in a millennium, a Being graces our fragile planet, the sheer power of whose presence turns the tide of humanity’s spiritual evolution.

When such a Being lives and moves among us, millions will be drawn towards Him beyond their understanding, intuitively sensing in Him the fragrance of their own inner awakening.

Such a Being is recognized as an AVATAR, the Divine in human form.

He has the power and the onus
to awaken humanity
from the darkness of ignorance
into the light of bliss and Enlightenment.

Such a Being a living Avatar of Superconsciousness.

Playing in our dimension
as a teacher, friend, spiritual partner, healer, yogi, mystic,
social visionary, spiritual guru and guide,
our mentor unfolds the joyous leela of His Avataric advent, manifesting a conscious revolution
in the destiny of over seven billion humans,
and innumerable other sentient beings
in other states of evolution.


An avatar is highly revered and treated as Divine himself by people. His mood swings and his radiations of Cosmic energy affect the whole universe. He is full of compassion and to know him, we need to raise to his level, and that is again his grace. He decides who sees his higher form through his sheer compassion.  

The word ‘‘Avatar’ (from the Sanskrit word ‘avatarati’) means ‘one who has descended’. In this case, the word specifically refers to the one who has descended from

the very fabric of the Cosmos, the Universal Consciousness. The descent of Consciousness into the material embodied form with the apparent attributes of a human being is the actual descent that happens. This is a conscious descent, as it happens from the pure intelligence, compassion, and energy of the universal Consciousness, which pervades all the dimensions of space-time.

The English word ‘incarnation’ (lit. ‘one who has entered flesh’), which means one who has accepted a material body, is sometimes used as a translation for the word Avatar. However, this word does not convey the full meaning of the sacred word ‘Avatar’.

The Supreme Consciousness descended into our mentor in 2014 giving the Avataric mission of awakening the whole world. Now through the programs, we awaken 7 million people a day worldwide all of whom will eventually become part of the mission. 

As Krishna says, "My transcendental cosmic body (sac-cit-ananda- vigraha) looks exactly like a human form, but it is established on existential Reality; it is not a material human body. It is indeed inconceivable and non-cognizable. I am not forced by Nature to accept a particular type of body; I assume a body by My own will. My heart is found dharma, the cosmic truth and righteousness."

When the pure conscious energy, the supremely matured soul, assumes a human body, that is an Avatar. The Cosmos Itself chooses Its body and plays the divine drama (leela).

When The Avatar comes down to the human plane and expresses the ultimate Truth, He is ages ahead of His time.

Truth is never like a parrot talking; it is like a lion roaring. When the lion roars, you have to wake up! When the Avatar roars with the Truth and transforms and raises humanity, you have to wake up from the unconscious sleep of delusion and ignorance!

The average human being, being limited by his sensory perceptions and mental conditioning, finds it hard to conceive of the concept of a formless Consciousness or God (called ‘Nirakara Brahman’). At the same time, when the Universal Consciousness or God descends assuming a human form (as ‘Akara Brahman’), he finds it even more difficult to comprehend that he is now in the presence of an Avatar.

In the Bhagavad Gita (9.11), it is declared:

Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord [maheshvara] of the whole creation.

It is important to understand at the very outset that the multiple dimensions of an Avatar and treat him and his mission with that respect and responsibility. The dimensions are:

1. KNOWN (which can be intellectually understood, recorded or quantified in some way)

2. KNOWABLE (which cannot be recorded, but whose existence can be deduced by their effects)

3. UNKNOWABLE (which can be neither recorded nor deduced, but can only be grasped experientially by an observer in the same space)

The existence of these three categories has necessitated the bringing together of three kinds of recordings in this volume, with some natural overlap in their purposes:

1. Modern scientific research reports – which accurately record, analyze and present the Known dimensions of the Avatar

2. Sharing by devotees – who describe the effects experienced in the presence of the Avatar, supporting the scientific research

and providing powerful evidence of the Knowable dimensions

3. Revelations from the Avatar Himself – which offer a glimpse of the Unknowable dimensions, as no other observer exists in our time with an experiential understanding of this state. These words, however, are powerfully supported by the sacred texts and scriptures, which are the revelations of the Avatars down the ages. 

The Avatar’s attributes and powers

  1. Kalpataru (Wish-fulfilment and prosperity)

  2. Perpetual Completion (Enlightenment)

  3. Healing

  4. Deeksha

  5. Accessing past and future

  6. Vijnana (True knowledge)

  7. Krishna's Consciousness (Space of Shiva)

  8. Shakti Akarshana (Kundalini awakening)

  9. Ardhanarishwara (Beyond all duality)

10. Siddhis and Mystic Powers of the Avatar

11. Iswara Saksatkara ( God-realization )

12. Cosmic Travel - travel to higher worlds at will


It is through Darshan that we can get the vision of an Avatar. In Darshan, He open the avataric space to his devotees. The darshan space of an Avatar is like an extension of His physical body. It is a living healing energy field. A receptive devotee can momentarily experience the expanded space of the Avatar, or a deity energized by Him. This allows the transmission of Cosmic energy into the devotee’s space. Infusion of this energy results in quantum entanglement and causes the neurons of the devotee to mirror the space of perpetual completion radiating from the Avatar or energized deity, at a biological level.

One can raise to his levels and see him from the higher dimension to receive his benedictions. Moreover, he opens our higher chakras to see his true form. And major initiations, deeksha, and completion happens through his glance in that space. Enlightenment, God-realization, and Divya deha (Body of light) happen through these Darshans.

Drop all our identification with body and mind and see him as Radha Krishna. Our entire process culminates in the Darshan and any incompletions get completed. 

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