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A journey into the Spiritual Realms

A mystical Journey

A journey into the higher realms was fun and liberating! The journey started from the earthly realm. I did certain breathing techniques and did some chanting as guided by our mentor. During the levitation initiation, I felt lifted off my body and started cruising through the higher space. First, I was guided through a plant realm, animal realm, and then to a world filled with ancestors. Then we entered into the deity world where I met a few of my deities I worshipped. Music helped us pass the fourteen realms and to head towards the Causal Ocean covering our universe! The Journey that is mystical was fully seen through my mystical eye, a discovery of mysticism. 

Traveling through space was one of my dreams and now I am traversing in my spiritual body! Mindfulness helped me stay focused on space travel. The space was enormously beautiful to see – stars, comets, asteroids, galaxies, etc., and I experienced the vastness of it. Soon we reached the zenith of our universe that is covered by our five sheaths of consciousness. To cross our universe, the biggest challenge is to silence the mind! There I applied the techniques we learned in the class: Witnessing the thoughts. As I validated the feelings and remained in Vipassana for a few minutes, I got the breakthrough from the mind, there were no more thoughts! I was not more controlled by my mind – fear, anger, hatred, worthlessness, loneliness, anxiety, hurry, etc. My belief system no more controlled me. As I went through an intense process of emotions and declutched from my ego, I slowly exited into the causal Ocean through a tunnel as guided. We exited our universe! I felt coolness in my body as I felt the love of the mother ocean – the source of all oceans. I met with the higher beings who are the origin of the multiverses! As we passed through another tunnel, we entered into the vast grace light - the indestructible spiritual effulgence, which is unlimited, conscious, and eternal. This is the place where we stopped for intense healing meditation. I felt the light penetrating through my nervous system to heal many ailments which I carried for several years. I felt my heart was penetrated by the Divine energy of a few ascended masters whom I revered. My body went into a deep trance as it started releasing blockages in chunks. The vision of the light itself was really mesmerizing – the glow and size of a trillion suns! Being inside the light felt safe and I know that I was healed beyond imagination. 

Furthermore, we entered into the spiritual world of Kailash. Kailash was full of rocky mountains full of snow. It was nothing compared to anything I have seen on the planet earth. The spiritual terrains are far more delightful and scenic than I have seen on Earth. I also felt that earthly landscapes were a reflection of the exquisiteness of the heavens. As I flew through the Himalayas of the Cosmos as though on an airplane, we were guided through another tunnel. The golden tunnel leads us into another stunning realm known as Vaikunda. Vaikunda is lush blue in color with so many stars and small planets where the Gods live. We went through the seven gates to see the sustainer of the Universe. We spend time there roaming around. 

As we flew into Goloka, the real numinous visions started along with the intense experience! Goloka is the most mystical among all the cosmic universes. The trees and plants started dancing like never seen even in animated movies (even in Maleficent 2!). I saw large flowers as large as elephants. One tree bent down and extended its branch to feed me with its sweet fruits. Some trees were made of gems and they swayed in oneness with the music played. The elevated emotions of nature were experienced intensely in my heart. The journey is more real than any other travel due to the live associated emotions that have no vocabulary. A tree housed talked to me in intense romance. I was tossed between a few large trees – was better than the best theme park experiences! There was a river of light that carried me across the grand views of Goloka, as though on a magnetic train. The sweet water was quenching my thirst and filling me with a healing elixir. The sounds of the waterfalls relaxed my entire nervous system! My nervous system got totally out of tensions for the first time, as I saw the enthralling colors never seen before in our universe. 

We spend most of the time in Goloka, the realm of mystery. The ground was tiled with large diamond tiles. I jumped around as I played on a plateau trampoline. As there is no gravity in this world, I flew like an angel and saw the panorama of Goloka! I was moving around the large sceneries with no control at all. I saw large herds of cows. I reached them instantly with a thought (time doesn’t exist here)! I exchanged love with them. As I drank milk out of a Surabhi cow directly, I felt nourished like never before. Birds were chirping, peacocks were crowing and dancing, and bees were humming. The cuckoos were singing nicely. The music was in tunes and tones only available in the higher worlds! The whole experience was associated with meeting with the Cosmic Beings of light in the respective worlds. The speech was all musical there and communication was telepathic I nature. I also felt different ecstatic emotions of friendship, love, paternal affection, and transcendental romance. Krishna’s flute filled the snowing air of beauty. I saw many starlings fly together, creating loops and whorls in what looks like a stunning airshow. The visions appeared in the inner screen of my third eye as though in a planetarium. The experiential journey was so entertaining that I felt sad when we returned! A Journey that made a lot of spiritual insights, transformation, and shifts! Now I carry that energy with me in my regular life, content, and fulfilled!

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