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A Journey into 

the Divine 

Online on ZOOM

29 Chakra activation

Cosmic travel
Enter altered states of consciousness.

3rd eye Awakening.

Immune system reboot
Emotional healing

Manifest life at Divine Realms

Unconditional Joy in Divine communion

Infinite Love of your Divine.


The Golden Body Process

Maui, Hawaii & Online


Synarchy Yoga

Brain activation

Elixir activation

21 Minor chakras

116 Marma points

Healthy body

Fire breathing

Multi-dimensional Cosmic travel.

Experience Gods and Goddesses.

Let your genetics function to manifest prosperity in the voyage of life.

Stay and food included

Residential and online option

Meditating on Beach

Private sessions

Online on ZOOM

Get a permanent shift in consciousness

Affect your loved ones and the collective

Deep connection to your higher self .

Spiritual Teachings and initiations.

Heal mind, emotions & the body.

Music Dance and Blessing.

2 hours minimum


Emotions & Immunity

FREE online

Free webinar: Healing the body by resolving the traumas in the past!

Learn the science of raising immunity: 

  • Learn mind-body connection

  • Address emotional shocks

  • Heal stress

  • Raise immunity

  • Activate DNA

  • Heal on cellular level

  • Heal infections

  • Heal organs

  • Awakening into Bliss

  • Manifestation​

An educational program.


Daily Global


Online on ZOOM

To initiate the phenomenon of individual Awakening. 

To cause individual transformation leading to collective transformation. 

To awaken humanity as an individual Cosmic being.

To bring about a sustainable shift in consciousness in the world.

Daily YOGA @8:15am EST

Daily meditation @9.30pm EST

Healing Touch Therapy_1


Journey into the Divine

Online on ZOOM

Chakra activations.

Kundalini yoga

Fire breathing

Multilevel healing

Multi-dimensional Cosmic travel.

Experience Gods and Goddesses.

Let your genetics function to manifest prosperity in the voyage of life.

Enlightenment is about living life in Bliss, an intense and fulfilling life, not just an experience in closed eyes. The process of Enlightenment follows a scientific path, the track to your inner self. Every external circumstances, even the worst, is converted into a means of progress, not an obstacle. Spirituality is the engineering of life that teaches one to be in an ever grateful joyful mood. It is highly technical and very subtle. Synarchy Mentor, with an Engineering background, has designed the courses technically as per ancient Indian Vedas so that anyone can attain Enlightenment in a few days!

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