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Golden Body Process
A 7 Day Transformational Retreat.

A Scientific Process to restructure the whole body in an ancient systematic way

Source Book: Marma Points of Ayurveda by Vasant Lad


Intent of the Retreat

A journey of connecting with the divine, with the mind & body through breathwork, yoga, meditation, music and dance.

These ancient yet scientifically proven modalities reduce and eliminate psychic irritants, which can keep you snarled up in emotional bondage. With curiosity and awareness, this retreat will cultivate a state of tranquility and relaxation, a state of concentration and insight.

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The Benefits of this retreat

Get healed and learn to heal:

Fear stress, anxiety, lethargy, insomnia, loneliness, depression, panic attacks, poor memory, poor concentration, envy, anger, greed hatred, jealousy, judgment, attachment, possessiveness,

Mental Illnesses such as Depression, PTSD, ADHD, Anxiety Disorder, Eating disorder, Dementia, addiction disorders, and  Schizophrenia

Body Healing of the organs like brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc.

Heal muscular, skeletal, and body pains.


How it works

As we traverse through the healing process, we leap into the Bliss of Individual Consciousness.


A mutative chain reaction occurs throughout your cells and DNA. The true potential of your DNA is unlocked step by step. You transform into a high-frequency, cosmic being. This high vibration will help to heal the relationship with yourself and others. In essence, the Golden Body Process eliminates anything that does not serve you, so you can build a deeper connection to the divine self. 


Single Room

Single Room $1,850


Double Room

Shard Room $1,575 each



Bunkbeds $1,375 each


Day 1

We will provide a list of activities you can do upon your arrive to explore the area and to enjoy.
-Individual-1 hour private massage sessions (Hours TBA)
-6:00pm Hatha yoga
-7:30pm Dinner Introduction


Day 2

-8:00am Breakfast
-9:30am Invocation & breathing practice. Each day, we will practice different breathing techniques and build our lung capacity. Teachings: Seven major marma points in the body. How it affects the chakras and how to bring about therapeutic effects. Activation of two marma points with its relevant yoga postures. Learn to apply gentle pressure in certain body parts to heal.
-12:30pm Lunch
-Individual 1-hour private massage session (hours TBA)
*We will encourage you to journal, enjoy the facilities & will give topics for you to reflect on during this time.
-7:00pm Dinner


Day 3

-8:00am Hatha yoga
-9:15am Breakfast
-10:30am Invocation & breathing practice.
Teachings: Activation and yoga postures for two marma points. While ‘Murdhni’ point heals migraines, tensions, headache, and stimulates memory, attention, and concentration, ‘Hridayam’ point heals palpitations, chest pain, asthma, breathing, and regulates cardiac function, heart rates, and improves coronary
circulation. Progressively, it heals various other dysfunctions in the body and releases negative emotions.
-1:00pm Lunch
-Individual 1-hour private massage session (hours TBA)
*We will encourage you to journal, enjoy the facilities, and will give topics for you to reflect on during this time.
-7:00pm Dinner


Day 4

-8:00am Hatha yoga
-9:15am Breakfast
-10:30am Invocation and Kundalini breath. Teachings: Learn and activate a marma point.
-1:00pm Lunch
-2:30pm Teachings and meditation: Use our voices to chant mantras and raise our vibration. Marma opens the doorway to consciousness. In this session, you will learn about: the purified body and yogic body. Meditation: Activation of major chakras starting from the lowest chakra: Patala. Various organs and tissues will be touched including the heart, lungs, thymus, liver, gall bladder, intestines, spleen, and pancreas.
-7:00pm Dinner


Day 5

-8:00am Hatha yoga
-9:15am Breakfast
-10:30am Invocation and Kundalini breath. Teachings: Learn and activate the last two marma points.
-1:00pm Lunch
-2:30pm Moving our bodies: music and dance. Meditation: We will use our voices to chant mantras and raise our vibration.
This afternoon you will learn about sacred body and Mantra body. During the meditation major chakras will be activated resulting in an emotional release to help liberate & clear your energy.
-7:00pm Dinner


Day 6

-8:00am Hatha yoga
-9:15am Breakfast
-10:30am Invocation & Birth Breathing practice. This powerful breathing technique can help to release trauma from early childhood and birth.
-1:30pm Lunch
-2:45pm Activating our bodies: music, chant and dance. Meditation: Going from a Divine Body to a Body of Light. During the meditation your chakras will be clear and open and we will be raising the kundalini energy.
-7:00pm Dinner


Day 7

-8:00am Hatha yoga
-9:15am Breakfast
-10:30am Invocation & Breathing practice. 
-12:30pm Lunch
-2:00pm The program ends with a powerful cosmic transmission. Today is the day to activate the Golden Body. As you transmit your joy of inner being, you cause major shifts in humanity! Being part of the global flowering of human consciousness.
-6:00pm We will share the new state of consciousness with each other. Testimonies are welcome and highly suggested at this time. It helps inspire others looking to change their life.
-7:30pm Dinner



Aren Wolf


Eric Minnichhofer

Dr. Tejasvin


His intention is to share a unique spiritual technology to awaken the world and create a global Enlightenment. With over 20,000 hours of meditation and 18 years of healing experience, he leads meditation practices to help people transcend their lives’.

Earned a Doctorate in Metaphysics from California. Special focus in psychology through courses on existential psychology, love & friendship psychology, Altruism, psychology of mind & body, psycho-spiritual development, etc. Currently, he is conducting scientific research on chakras, marmas, koshas and how meditation impacts the human psyche, including a study on heart coherence-heart rhythm patterns and Vedic mediation programs. In addition, as a musical composer, he has released over 50 love and devotional songs.

Born in India and currently residing in Georgia. He is initiated and empowered by the Divine to transfer his state of expansive consciousness to humanity. He is initiated by an unbroken Guru lineage (denomination of Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Krishna) personally in India since 2008. His Guru is Mahant Swami Maharaj, who is the present Guru and president of the Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS), a major branch of the Swaminarayan Sampradaya, a Hindu denomination in India.

Aren Wolf


Aren, like many of you, has lost his way from time-to-time, and no matter how daunting it may seem, love is always the guiding light. Therefore, his mission is to create an atmosphere where students can learn more about their mental, physical and emotional vulnerabilities in a safe but challenging way. This is the only way back to the heart, and the heart only knows how to love.

Aren’s early career was in athletics. In junior college, he earned an associates degree in nutrition & kinesiology and went on to earn a bachelor of arts in communications at Texas State University. He has a personal trainer’s certificate from the Cooper Institute, and he is 200h yoga certified from YogaWorks including 100h of study with the Iyengar system. Currently, his studies focus on meditation, yoga asana, Tai Chi, Reiki, cranial sacral therapy, and physical therapy.

Born in Dallas, Texas. Aren has been running around since he was a fetus. As a kid, he played sports all the time. That is to say, he has always lived in the body. Growing up as a gifted athlete, he had many challenges mentally and emotionally. Later, he would learn how much he neglected his mental and emotional energy to live in the physical. Aren believes we are at our best when the four energies in the body are aligned, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. The breath is the guide or true Guru in the journey of life.

Eric Minnichhofer


He offers Chi Nei Tsang massage. An emphasis on the importance of the breath is the backbone of Eric’s practice in a combination of Chi Gong, Yoga, and breathwork. Take a journey together with active breathing to support the release of ailments and promote deep healing. Thus, returning to a balanced energy flow in your mind & body.

Eric recently completed yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India, and dove further into yogic philosophy. His journey into energy work began while studying Psychology at the University of California, San Diego. While the pharmaceutical methods did not resonate with him, they did spark a deeper interest in alternative methods and holistic healing. He observed that Western medicine tends to treat symptoms, whereas Eastern philosophy is interested in the root cause. Yoga and Chi Gong are preventative medicines to nourish ourselves, maintain balance and proper energy flow.

Born in San Jose, California. Eric practiced with Chi Gong Grandmaster, Dr. Effie Chow, where he learned it is better to “feel” the Chi before proceeding to a Tai Chi sequence. The connection with the breath is the primary focus. Some say 90% of illnesses are alleviated with proper breathing. In his view, prana, Qi and energy are the same; a feeling rather than a concept. Chi Nei Tsang massage is the perfect application for energy cultivation.

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Golden Body Proces

Malinalco, Mexico

Friday, May 20th to  Thursday, May 26th

If you are flying to the program the nearest city is Mexico City. It takes 2 hours to travel from Mexico City to Malinalco by car.   The approximate driving distance between Mexico City and Malinalco is 100 kms or 62.1 miles.

Malinalco is a colonial gem. It is known as "Lugar magico" or "magical place" It is a fascinated village with pre-hispanic ruins

The retreat is taking place in a private home. Vegetarian meals are included in the price.


Malinalco is a Magical Town that will enchant you. This is an impressive valley, with diverse vegetation and cobblestone streets that will invite you to take a walk through this land, leaving you astonished with its picturesque facades of a thousand colors.


Malinalco streets are worthy of being photographed, from the walls of its large houses sprout small flowers which splash the landscape with their vibrant colors. This place full of magic will invite you to take a walk through the past and the greatness of Mexico.

Malinalco's weather: warm and humid. Its average temperature is 20°, as a result you will find a town that is always sunny, perfect for a family outing during a holiday weekend.

Advance payment

50% advance payment: To sign up, please click Register Now below. To reserve your seat, a downpayment of 50% can be made by entering code Synarchy50 or choosing the option Advance Payment. And balance payment in full by May 13th latest.

Refunds: 75% of the paid amount if canceled before May 15th. No refunds after May 15th or one week before the start of the retreat.

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To make balance payment: Click Donation Link and enter the amount.

Refunds: 75% of the paid amount if canceled before May 15th. No refunds after May 15th or one week before the start of the retreat.

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